Today the conservator’s inspection is taking place, and we are missing 4 square meters of tiles…
A very nervous atmosphere at the construction site of the chapel. Our contractor went out of his way to bring the missing tiles from Poznań (a shy 300 km dirive), but with a flu epidemic, the production line stopped. After searching the entire company, he managed to find only a few meters and it turned out, that 4 m2 of tiles are short on the priest’s quarters. We have to wait until after the holidays to start production, and the conservator’s ‘sign off’ could not be postponed.
We had no choice but to count on the understanding of the officer and the possibility of finishing this piece of the roof on the sacristy after the Christmas holidays. With our hearts on our sleeves, we waited for the official’s nail-biting and her decision.
We managed to get the roof signed off on condition to complete that corner as soon as possible!
We breathed a sigh of relief because we still have a lot of paperwork to do and obtain the government subsidy. The roof itself looks very nice and, depending on the lighting and time of day, it shows new gray colors that harmonize nicely with the tower’s roof. Our dignified lady also seems happy with her new sheepskin coat, which will keep her warm and dry for years to come.